On a close-my-eyes-and-click-on-the-register-button whim, I signed up for my first writing conference. Well, it was technically a day of workshops, but same thing in my mind. I've read, and been told, if I'm going to be a writer, I have to think of myself as a writer. One way to do that is to learn about the craft in a professional setting. Thus enters my first writing conference. I spent too much time researching tips for going to a writing conference. It felt a bit silly to do all this research because I've been to plenty of conferences over the past ten years of my non-writing career. However, this conference felt like an entirely different beast to slay and I needed weapons to arm myself. The tips I found online were helpful and I share a few of my own below. My biggest takeaway from my first conference is that there is a point of diminishing returns with preparation and there will always be something you won't know or can't prepare for, so stop fretting a...
Musings, ramblings, discoveries of a pre-published writer.